Roderick Cardenas

Full Stack Software Engineer

Creative Technologist


Hey there! Welcome to my page. My name's Roderick, I am a full stack software engineer.

My background is rooted in design, I have always been a creative but decided to learn how to build things and fell in love with it. I like to build products that demonstrate good user experience.

After completing the Software Engineering Immersive with Flatiron School, I landed my role with Ignis Ltd as a Front End Developer where I get to work on a variety of exciting projects.

Recent Technologies:

  • • React
  • • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • • jQuery
  • • HTML & (S)CSS
  • • Node.js
  • • Ruby on Rails
  • • WordPress
  • • Shopify
© 2021, Designed and Built by Roderick Cardenas.